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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Wifi hacking tools,hacking tools,Product Key Explorer v3.2.9.0 Full Crack,WIFI decrypter (WPA),hacking

Product Key Explorer v3.2.9.0 Full Crack

Product Key Explorer v3.2.9.0 Full Crack

Download : 
Main Features :
  • Find product keys for over +4000 popular programs: Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2010, 2007, 2003, Adobe CS5, CS4 and CS3, Norton, Electronic Arts games, WinZip, Nero and more...
  • Product key Explorer recovers product keys for software installed on your remote network computers and allows track the number of software licenses installed in your business.
  • With Product Key Explorer you can recover lost product keys for all major software programs, prevent losing your investment and money!
  • You can save product keys as Tab Delimited Txt File (.txt), Excel Workbook (.xls), CSV Comma Delimited (.csv), Access Database (.mdb), SQLLite3 Database, Web Page (.html) or XML Data (.xml) file, Print or Copy to Clipboard. 

Windows Eraser Password (cd100627)

  • Windows Eraser Password (cd100627)
Pass the Windows Password in boot ( Erase password windows )

Download : Click Here

How to use cd100627 programe ?
1. Burn it to CD ( I using Nero )
2. Insert the CD than restart computer ( no dirty reserting )
3. Open boot than set to the DVD Reader ( ex . DVD Ram Mashita xxx )
    Ussualy to open boot , default on the boot menu ( ex: mine : F12 )
4. After you boot to CD , now you enter the CD boot.
5. First, you just press enter ( wait )
6. Than , press enter after its say : C://windows/config/_
7. Than, write ( 1 ) its sam windows. than press enter
8. Than, write ( 1 ) Clear passwords. than press enter
9. Than, write the username that you gonna erase. than press enter
10 Next, just write ( 1 ) Clear password than press enter
11. Than, wait, until its stop.
12. After that, write ( q )  than press enter.
If the selection doesnt match , just follow the number gonna be write.

WIFI decrypter (WPA)

WIFI Decryptor

  • Wifi Hacker/Passer ( WIFI Decryptor )
Just need to pass the password. Only to know password Wi-Fi Stored in your computer ONLY!

Download link 1 : Click Here

Download link 2 : Click Here

Developer : SecurityExploded

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